Decoration design should pay attention to "color" makes sense

Decoration design should pay attention to "color" makes sense

The severity of the color is determined by the lightness, and the purity of the color does not help. Soft and hard color depends on color purity

Colorless black, white, and gray tend to be chilly overall. The lightness has almost no effect on the cold performance, and the lightness of the color is determined by the lightness, and the purity of the color does not have any effect. The soft and hard color depends on the color purity. The color of the medium purity is gentle, while the high purity or the low purity tends to have a strong feeling. The color itself shows that in addition to the feeling of coldness and severity, there are hard and soft, strong and weak, bright and dark, passion and cold silence, excitement or silence, beauty or simplicity. More importantly, color can also stimulate people's sensory system to influence people's judgment of coldness and warmth. For example, in the cold gale of winter, you will feel that the red gloves in your hands are particularly warm...

Decoration design should pay attention to "color" makes senseDecoration design should pay attention to "color" makes sense

Blue and green are the best psychological sedatives that nature has endowed to humans.

Scientists have experimented with changes in human brainwaves with color vision, and found that brainwaves are alert to red reactions and blue to relax. Blue and green are the best psychological sedatives that nature has endowed to humans. People all have this experience. When they are in a state of restlessness, they can go to the park or the beach to see and the mood will soon return to calm. This is the result of the psychological adjustment of blue and green. These shades also help reduce skin temperature, reduce the number of pulses, lower blood pressure, and reduce the burden on the heart.

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