New house decoration knowledge 4 methods teach you to remove new house paint flavor

Introduction: The new home has just been renovated and the strong smell of paint will definitely affect the feeling of staying. Why not come to learn a few tricks, both to remove the paint flavor, but also make the new house emit fragrance flavor.

Brand shop: Nippon Paint

method one:

1. Properly open the window on the top of the wall that is not directly air-dried for ventilation.

2. Use a container such as a basin or a small bucket to fill with cold water, then add the appropriate amount of vinegar to the ventilation room and open the furniture door. In this way, it can evaporate water to protect the top coating surface of the wall in an appropriate amount, and it can also absorb residual odor.

3, if economic conditions allow, you can buy some pineapple in each room to put a few, big room can put some more. Because pineapple is a kind of crude fiber fruit, it can not only absorb the smell of paint, but also achieve the flavor of sweet pineapple, speeding up the removal of odor, and it has achieved the best of both worlds.

Brand Shop: Ivy Paint

Method Two:

How to remove residual odor in a renovated home? The renovated home cannot be immediately admitted, but it must be ventilated and bulky, but it must not open all doors and windows for ventilation. This may adversely affect the wall paint that has just been completed. The top of the wall is quickly dried and cracked easily. . To achieve rapid removal of residual paint odors, citric acid soaked cotton balls can also be used to hang in indoor and wood furniture.

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