Chinese-style smart grid enters full-scale construction

According to data from the National Hydropower Promotion Conference, the total installed capacity of hydropower in China has exceeded 200 million kilowatts so far. Since the total installed capacity exceeded 100 million kilowatts in 2004, it has been ranked first in the world.

Last year, China’s hydropower generation reached 571.69 billion kWh, accounting for 15.53% of the total generation. In order to achieve the goal of 15% of non-fossil energy in China's primary energy consumption by 2020, the development of renewable energy such as hydropower has entered the fast track. The national preliminary plan for hydropower installed capacity in 2020 is about 380 million kilowatts, of which conventional More than 330 million kilowatts of hydropower (50 million kilowatts of pumped-storage power stations), with an annual output of 1.15 trillion kwh.

In addition to the important role of energy-saving emission reduction and energy supply structure adjustment, hydropower is also playing a significant role in curbing inflation in the context of high energy prices. In an interview with the media, Zhang Guobao, director of the National Energy Administration, pointed out that due to the continuous rise in coal prices and international oil prices in recent years, hydropower has become an important force in relieving the inflationary pressure caused by energy. “When coal and gas are fully invested, the rising trend of coal prices. It will be restrained."

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