White-collar renting should pay attention to the wage earners rent Feng Shui 10 taboo

Workplace Salary Rent Ten Feng Shui Ten Taboos

White-collar renting should pay attention Salary rent feng shui 10 taboo

1. Not cheap

Houses that are below market conditions must have conditions that are detrimental to the market and the tenants. If the house is not conducive to living in feng shui, there have been deaths or structural problems and so on.

2. Can't live in an old house

The house is too old and old. In the past, it must have suffered too much human grievances. If you live for a long time, you are vulnerable to bad influence.

3. Unknown paper

If you see a piece of paper in your house, no matter how your landlord confesses you, it's best not to live in.

4. Not neighboring home

If there is a patient in the house or is sharing with the landlord, someone in the landlord who has a long illness or a serious illness should not move in, so as not to provoke him.

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