True and false urea simple identification method

A check: check the production batch number and seal of the package. The genuine urea is generally packaged on a bag with a clear batch number and a machine seal that is folded on both sides. The production batch number on the fake urea package is unclear or not, and most of them are manually sealed by a single line.

Second look: True urea is a translucent and uniform colorless particle. If the surface color of the particles is too bright or dark, or appears to be significantly reflective, it is mixed with impurities.

Sanwen: The urea produced by regular manufacturers has no volatile odor under normal conditions, but it can only produce ammonia smell after being wet or subjected to high temperature. If the volatile taste is normal under normal conditions, the urea contains impurities.

Four touches: The true urea particles have the same size, strong fluidity, and are not easy to agglomerate, so the hand feels better, while the fake urea has a burning sensation and a stab feeling when touched.

Five-burning: Pure urea is quickly melted on the red charcoal, which emits white smoke and has an ammonia smell. If there is intense burning on charcoal, strong light, and with a "beep" sound, or melting is not enough, then there will be impurities mixed.

Six scales: The urea produced by regular manufacturers generally differs from the actual weight by less than 1%, while the fake true urea is quite different from the standard weight.
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