Disease prevention and control that often occurs on green onions

1, green onion black spot disease. In the wet area, it is easy to develop. At the beginning, the leaves are light brown oval-shaped and spin-shaped lesions. In the later stage, the lesions are slightly sunken and dark purple. There are concentric wheel patterns and super-sonic coal-like powders. The affected part is softened and easily folded. For the prevention and treatment of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times solution or 50% phlegm wettable powder 1500 times solution can be used.

2, green onion purple spot disease. In high temperature and humid conditions, the disease is common, and the lesions occur on the leaves. They are spindle-shaped, slightly concave, have concentric patterns, are purple and covered with mildew. The affected area becomes soft and easy to fold, and the heavy leaves die. For the prevention and treatment of the disease, 40% carbendazim suspension 400 times solution or 50% dexamethasone 600 times solution can be used.
(Li Yanqin)
From: Rural Volkswagen
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