Analysis of the maintenance of autumn office furniture in Shengao furniture

In the autumn season, when you carefully care for your skin, don't forget to pay attention to the office furniture in the maintenance office. Relatively speaking, the humidity in the autumn is small, the interior is drier, and it is relatively easy to maintain office furniture. The Xiaobian furniture series reminds everyone to pay attention to the following aspects when maintaining office furniture.


1, office furniture should not be placed in a very humid place, so as not to let the wood wet and swell, long time is prone to decay, the drawer can not be opened. Maintenance should be carried out on a regular basis. Under normal circumstances, only one wax can be used every quarter, so that the furniture looks shiny and the surface does not vacuum, it is easier to clean.

2, to prevent dust, generally used mahogany, teak, oak, walnut, etc. more high-grade wood furniture has a beautiful carved decoration, such as can not clean the ash regularly, the small gap is easy to accumulate ash affects the appearance, while the dust is Let the wooden office furniture quickly "age" the killer.
3, to avoid direct sunlight, although the autumn sun is not violent in the summer, but long-term sun exposure and the already dry climate, the wood is too dry, prone to cracks and local fading.
4, to maintain moisture, the moisture of wooden office furniture can not be provided by moisture, that is to say, can not simply wipe with a wet rag, but should use professional furniture care essential oil, which contains easy to be absorbed by wood fiber Natural orange oil can lock the moisture in the wood, prevent the wood from cracking and deforming, and nourish the wood. It can reproduce the glory of the wooden office furniture from the inside to the outside, prolonging the service life of the furniture.
5, to avoid hard objects scratching, do not let the cleaning tools touch the furniture when cleaning. Also pay attention to the usual, St. Austrian furniture said: Do not let hard metal products or other sharp objects collide with office furniture to protect the surface from the appearance of hard marks and hanging silk.

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